Tsurphu monastery is one of the many monastic institutions established in Central Tibet in the 11thand 12th centuries. It was founded as a meditation retreat in 1187 AD by Dusum Kyenpa, whom came from Kham and received his teachings from a disciple of the hermit ascetic Milarepa.
Dusum Kyenpa is regarded as the first Karmapa with a lineage of Truku that continues to this day. During the next five centuries Tsurphu monastery grew into a religious center.
Like most of Tibet’s largest monasteries, it was drawn into the political arena, leading to its destruction by Mongol armies in 1642 during a lengthy war between rivaling noble families in U and Tsang provinces. Tsurphu monastery slowly rebuilt and restored its status as an important Kagyu pa center when nearly a thousand monks were in residence. This monastery was tragically destroyed in 1966 during the Cultural Revolution and began rebuilding in 1980 by the 16th Karmapa.

Tsurphu monastery Data
Address & Contact
Upper stream of Tsurphu River, Tui-Long-De-qing county
Contact : +86 891 667-4780
Opening hour
09:00am – 14:00pm
4,300 meters
Entrance fee
RMB 40 per person
How to get to there
By bus
One round trip bus get to Tsurphu monastery from Lhasa city
- Start station: Bus stop is in the alley 200 meters from the west side of Jokhang temple
- Departure: in between 07:00 – 08:00, departures when the vehicle is full
- Return: at 15:00pm
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