Dragkar Monastery, also known as “Dragkar Mindru Norbuling”.It is built on the mountain and has a congregation of more than one hundred and eighty monks.

Dragkar Monastery was founded in 1254 AD as a monastery of Kagyu (Karma ) Sect, and was later converted to the Nyingma Pa in 1670 AD;
Its main hall faces east and houses statues of the Great Master Padmasambhava, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and the Immeasurable Light Buddha, capable of accommodating over 200 monks for chanting in the same time.
The monastery houses many precious Buddha statues and thangkas, scriptures. Surrounding the monastery, there are nearly a hundred closed retreat rooms built into the mountainside, all constructed with the help of the monks’ family
Rules for study and practice
The monastery has a complete set of rules for study and practice. After ordination, monks typically spend the first 3 to 5 years studying scriptures under a mentor, memorizing all required texts, while also learning basic skills such as the use of ritual instruments, making offerings, and painting. They then have the option to further their studies at various Buddhist colleges or engage in solitary retreats.
Throughout the year, around 20 to 30 lamas engage in short-term retreats within the meditation rooms. According to regulations, many scriptures require retreat practices before they can be chanted in the main hall. Monastic responsibilities are rotated every three years, and during ritual gatherings, there are teachings by lamas and empowerment from the abbots.
The Rinpoche
Since his return to Dragkar Monastery in 1997, Gele Rinpoche has used most of the offerings from the devotees for the monastery’s development. Following the design of the previous Nga-gong Living Buddha, he rebuilt the third-floor living quarters, renovated the main hall, added a new well, and provided various facilities needed by the monastery. He also mostly provides for the monks during ritual gatherings. Additionally, he purchased a generator in order to play Buddhist teachings for the monks and local people during the gatherings.
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