Zutrulpuk monastery (4,800 meters) is located on the right bank (west) of the Zhong Chu River. It was built around sacred formations that were estimated to have been formed by Milarepa.
This ascetic had a duel with the sorcerer Naro Bon Chun at this place. In his final fall, Naro Bon Chun caused a large vertical cleft on Mount Kailas’ southern face.
Around the monastery is a large collection of Mani stones and pile of stones and socks carved with Mantra. Zutrulpuk encloses Milarepa’s cave which is capped by a large slab of rock.The top of the slab is said to hold prints of his feet and hands where he pressed down on the roack to make it on the right position.
This is the last spot for spending a night before the end of Kailash Cora, and from this site on, an easier trek brings you back to Darchen.

Zutrulpuk Monastery Data
on the right bank (west) of the Zhong Chu River, 4-5 hours hike from Tarpoche
Opening hour
Full day
4,800 meters
Entrance fee
Free of charge
How to get to there
There is no road to Zutrulpuk Monastery, but trail for walk, so this is only option for getting to this site, which can be approached from two directions
The clockwise way
This is the major direction and used by most of the visitors, starting from Tarpoche of Darchen village, it takes about 2 days and one high pass – Drolma La (5,700 meters), approximately 12 – 14 hours walk is needed to reaching this site
The shortcut
This is the way that local people use very often for transporting supply to this monastery, it usually takes about 4 -5 hours walk to the valley junction where you can hitchhike local vehicle or tractor to Darchen or by foot, this is another 1-2 hours walk
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