Danba watching Tower are mostly found in Supo village, Zhonglu village and Jiaju village. Although similar watching Towers can be found almost everywhere in the valleys of Danba county. But the greatest concentration of watching tower is in this three villages, and all of those are with a history of more than 1,000 years.
Actually, ruins of Danba watchtower can also be found in Western Hills in Beijing. During the reign of Qing Dynasty of Emperor Qian-Long, the Qing troops in Danba were astonished to find watchtowers with incredible defensive properties. When they returned to Beijing, they built replicas.
The watchtowers were built with mud and stone. Most are connected with civilian houses, but some were erected independently. They normally have four to eight sides, and even up to 13 sides.
Watch tower detail
Generally, they are higher than 10 meters, with some rising to 30-60 meters. In wartime, those had a defensive nature, and a beacon-fire can be lit atop to call for reinforcements. Some were also built to dispel evil. To build a watchtower, a suitable lucky starting day would be chosen by divination.
Of the mountain villages in Danba, Nyigyia, Geshizha and Badi townships are outstanding. Tucked away deep in the mountains, shaded by emerald trees, they are skirted by rippling streams. Those are all with stunning scenery, and watching towers can be found in those villages

Danba Watchtower Data
Zhong Lu village
Jia Ju village
Suo Po village
Zhong Lu village : 2,200 meters
Jia Ju village : 2,400 meters
Suo Po village : 1,950 meter
Entrance fee
Zhong Lu village: RMB 30
Jia Ju village: RMB 50
Suo Po village: Free of charge
Opening hour
Full day
How to get to there
In Danba County, there are 3 Tibetan villages where Danba Watchtowers are relatively concentrated, which can be viewed, and also with homestay avaiable. Those are “Zhonglu Village”, “Jiaju Village” and “Suopo Village”.
To Zhong Lu village
The turning point for getting to this village is about 7 kilometers in the northeast of Danba county, which actually connect to Xiaojin county, Mt Siguniang and Chengdu. This village is also regarded as the spot for the best view of Mt Murdo which is the Holy mountain of Bon religion.
There two sites in Danba county that you can take local vehicle to get there
–One is the Danba Bus Terminal, it usually cost RMB 10-15 per person one way ride;
–Another one is the new Danba bridge, it usually cost RMB 10.00 per person one way ride
To Jia Ju village
It is located some 8 kilometers in the north of Danba County. The whole village covers about 5 square kilometers, and there are 149 Tibetan family live in this village. There is minibus rental at Danba Bus Terminal, it usually cost RMB 15-20 per person one way ride
To Suo Po village
It is located in the valley that heading south via Wa-Si valley to Luding County and Kangding City. It is about 6 kilometers from Danba county. From Danba Bus Terminal, it usually cost RMB 10.00 per person for one way trip
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